Upcoming Events

Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday

This is an opportunity to center your heart on why this week is so important to our faith. Our prayer is that you will find this meaningful and helpful for your spiritual life.

There will still be music, a brief message, and communion. Bring your family or some friends. We hope to see you there!

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Maundy Thursday Dinner Church

Maundy Thursday Dinner Church

Maundy Thursday is when we remember the night in which Jesus gathered his disciples together for a Passover meal and humbled himself to wash his disciple’s feet. Jesus’ mandate to us is to love one another.

On Thursday April 17th we will be hosting a dinner for the residents of Barrack’s of Hope- the local veteran’s shelter in Daytona Beach, FL



Located: 962 Derbyshire Rd, Daytona Beach, FL 32117

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Created by God
to Apr 27

Created by God

April 25, 2025 @ 5:00 pm - April 27, 2025 @ 11:00 am

Warren Willis UM Camp and Conference Center

4990 Piccioloa Rd, Fruitland Park, FL 34731

Created By God is a comprehensive, faith-based study of human sexuality for 5th graders and their parents or guardians. Dr. James H. Ritchie developed the Created by God curriculum. Students and adults will attend sessions together and separately, all aimed towards creating opportunities for your child to learn, grow, and open up conversations about the physical changes they are experiencing.

  • To provide comprehensive and faith-based education on human sexuality for youth.

  • To create a safe and comfortable space for young people to ask any questions they may have.

  • To foster better communication skills between parents and preteens.

Our team of ministers for children and families will engage with adults and students through four dynamic learning sessions. Students will participate in the curriculum in small, mixed-gender groups, while adults will attend workshops, forums, and discussions on parenting students in the 5th grade and beyond. The program includes scripture study, worship, and fun games and activities. Some sessions will also enable both adults and students to communicate and share experiences. Families will be accommodated in private rooms, and bedding and towels will be provided.


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Warren W. Willis Camp
to Jul 26

Warren W. Willis Camp

Are you ready to embark on a thrilling and transformative adventure? Our classic overnight camp offers six weeks of high-energy, life-changing experiences that you won’t want to miss!

From rising 4th-grade students to recently graduated seniors, everyone is invited to join us on the beautiful Lake Griffin for an unforgettable week of faith, friendship, and fun.

Our sessions run from Monday afternoon to Saturday morning and are designed to jump-start your faith while creating lifelong memories. 

Week 6: July 21-26, 2025


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FAITH Justice Network Meeting

FAITH Justice Network Meeting

Join us for our Justice Network Meeting at The Foundry immediately after church! 30-40 minutes long.

Future dates:

3/11- FAITH Rally at Our Lady of Lourdes (Daytona) at 6:30pm

3/25- Nehemiah Action Assembly at Our Lady of Hope (Port Orange) ay 6:30pm

Please think of 3-5 names of people that you plan to bring to the Action Assembly on 3/25!

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Ashes to Go & A Cup of Joe

Ashes to Go & A Cup of Joe

Come drop by Ormond Beach's Biggby's Coffee Shop from 7-9am to receive ashes and a cup of joe! First 50 people will receive a free cup of coffee or treat on us.

Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the season of Lent, the 40 days leading up to Easter. It is a chance to acknowledge our humanity and bear the mark of love.

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Wicked Worship

Wicked Worship

Join us on March 2nd for a one-time musical revue of the hit Broadway show turned Box-office movie hit, Wicked! As a theater lover and bible nerd, I couldn’t help but notice the biblical themes within the Wicked franchise. The movie begins with the question: “Why does wickedness happen?” as it follows the backstories of the very misunderstood Wicked Witch of the West, named Elphaba and her college-roommate rival turned friend, Glinda the Good.

On Sunday March 2nd, we’ll hear performances from Wicked with biblical reflections on the underlying moral and Christian themes woven throughout! This is a Sunday you won’t want to miss!

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Super Serve Sunday

Super Serve Sunday

All ages and abilities welcome! The Gathering Place is teaming up with First United Methodist Ormond Beach to serve local community partners across Daytona including:

  • Westside Elementary School

  • Homeless Care Bags (located at First United)

  • Beachside Elementary

  • Halifax Urban Ministries

  • Domestic Abuse Council

  • & more!

To sign up- CLICK HERE

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Campfire & Communion

Campfire & Communion

What better way to start a new year than by worshipping by campfire?!

Join us on Sunday January 5 at Tomoka Outpost for Campfire and Communion! This is an evening service starting at 4:30pm.

We’ll bring the s’mores! You bring a friend and a lawn chair!

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Carols at Tango's

Carols at Tango's

Last year’s Christmas Carols at Tango’s was such a hit - we’re doing it again! Bring your friends and family to Tango’s Ormond Beach (600 S. Yonge St) on Tuesday Dec 10 from 6-8pm.

Come by for some delicious food, great company, and a sing-a-long of your favorite Christmas carols!

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FAITH House Meeting

FAITH House Meeting

Justice Ministry House Meetings are where we hear stories of real issues and needs facing our local community. These stories help focus our justice work involving affordable housing, flooding, and criminal justice/mental health.

This is when we also make commitments to attend and invite others to the Nehemiah Action Assembly at 6:30pm on April 1, 2025 -- our largest event of the year, we gather over 1,000 people across Volusia county to hold local officials accountable to the justice initiatives we put forward.

Sign up below to attend the House Meeting and mark if you plan to attend the Action Assembly on April 1!

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A Pilgrimage: Celebrating The Birthday of Dr. Howard Thurman

A Pilgrimage: Celebrating The Birthday of Dr. Howard Thurman

You are invited on a holy pilgrimage to honor the legacy and celebrate the birthday of Dr. Howard Thurman on Monday, November 18, 2024.

  • Schedule a tour of the Thurman home at 10am, 11am, or 2:30pm

  • Attend a special program featuring Dr. Kenyatta R. Gilbert - Dean of the School of Divinity at Howard University - as the keynote speaker from 12pm to 1:30pm

  • Stay for a lunch and discussion afterwards from 1:30pm to 2:30pm to further explore the impacts of Thurman's work and how we can continue it today. 

    The Thurman Home is located at 614 Whitehall St, Daytona Beach, FL 32114.

    The program and luncheon will be held at Stewart Memorial United Methodist Church located at 317 N. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd, Daytona Beach, FL 32114. There will be a livestream option available for the keynote program.

    The cost of lunch is $25.


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FAITH Community PROBLEMS Assembly

FAITH Community PROBLEMS Assembly

The Gathering Place is joining FAITH (Fighting Against Injustice Towards Harmony), a bipartisan Interfaith Justice Network in Volusia County on Tuesday November 12th. The current local issues we are addressing are affordable housing and flooding. Let maarmistead@firstunited.org know if you can make it.

The Gathering Place will be installed as an official justice ministry network member, and our hope is to have a BIG representation from our church community!

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Pet Blessing

Pet Blessing

It's the cutest Sunday of the year!

Join us for outdoor worship on Sunday November 3rd at 10am. Make sure to bring a lawn chair and bring your leashed pet or a picture/memento of deceased or living pet who may not like crowds!

Treats, water bowls, & waste baggies will be available.

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All Saints Day

All Saints Day

On Sunday October 27th, we encourage you to bring in a photo of a loved one who has passed in honor of All Saints Day to place on the altar. All Saints Day is an opportunity to give thanks for those who have gone before us in the faith.

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Read Aloud with Partner's Training

Read Aloud with Partner's Training

The proven way to improve literacy in children is simply reading aloud with them. We are recruiting volunteers to read with 2nd and 3rd grade students at our partner school, Westside Elementary.

Join us on Tuesday October 15th from 3-5pm for Read Aloud with Partner Training and Child & Youth Protection Training. ALL volunteers are required to be CYP trained and receive a background check.

Email beckypittard@gmail.com for more information and to sign up! Training is located in the Westside Media Center.

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Kayaks & Communion

Kayaks & Communion

Sunday, October 13, 2024
9:00 AM 11:00 AM

What makes The Gathering Place unique is our commitment to gathering differently. We understand that there are many people who would never step foot in a traditional church building, but are still longing for hope and belonging.

Kayaks & Communion is the chance to experience the beauty of God's creation IN God's creation. The church doesn't have to look like a building with steeples and pews. Sometimes it looks like a group of folks wanting to learn more about Jesus on kayaks, paddle boards, and pontoon boats.

Join us Sunday October 13, 2024 at 9am at Tomoka Outpost. Kayaks & Canoes available for rental OR ride on a pontoon boat (free, but space is limited).

Click the link to sign up and for more info: SIGN UP

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3 Year Anniversary

3 Year Anniversary

The Gathering Place turns 3! We’re having outdoor worship at Central Park in Ormond Beach! Bring a lawn chair and enjoy family-friendly games, food, and powerful worship!

Located: Central Park II
601 Hammock Ln, Ormond Beach, FL 32174

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3rd Grade & Up Bible Presentation

3rd Grade & Up Bible Presentation

Studying Scripture is one of the ways we know more about God and the story of God's people. On August 18th, we are going to be presenting Bibles to students 3rd grade and up! If you would like make sure your child/grandchild gets a bible, email aarmistead@firstunited.org or text at 954-292-3664.

We're excited to celebrate the next step in your student's faith journey!

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Westside Back to School Breakfast

Westside Back to School Breakfast

On August 8th we are serving breakfast to the wonderful teachers and staff at Westside Elementary School on their first week back from summer vacation. We need about 2-4 volunteers to donate breakfast items and/or serve breakfast that morning. Email aarmistead@firstunited.org if you're interested in serving!

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Kayaks & Communion

Kayaks & Communion

Sunday, June 9, 2024

9:00 AM 11:00 AM

What makes The Gathering Place unique is our commitment to gathering differently. We understand that there are many people who would never step foot in a traditional church building, but are still longing for hope and belonging.

Kayaks & Communion is the chance to experience the beauty of God's creation IN God's creation. The church doesn't have to look like a building with steeples and pews. Sometimes it looks like a group of folks wanting to learn more about Jesus on kayaks, paddle boards, and pontoon boats.

Join us Sunday June 9th, 2024 at 9am at Tomoka Outpost. Kayaks & Canoes available for rental OR ride on a pontoon boat (free, but space is limited). Click the link to sign up and for more info:


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All In Sunday

All In Sunday

We believe that everyone who connects with The Gathering Place in any way is already a part of what God's doing among us. God’s prevenient grace makes that possible, and the invitation is already there. But Partnership necessitates a response. It’s never one-sided. Think of it this way: The Gathering has already said, “You’re a part of this.” This is your chance to respond, “I am a part of this” in word and action. Are you all in?

On June 2nd, we are giving you an opportunity to join The First United Family in an official way, by joining the church. You are making a statement that you will support The Gathering Place with your prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness to help grow this abundant community. To make the first step, click the link below.


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Town Hall

Town Hall

Join us immediately after worship on Sunday May 26th for a Town Hall to keep informed about what's going on at The Gathering Place. Updates will be given about Williamson Property, Summer programming for youth and kids, Read Aloud with Partners, Financial report, and more.

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